
2 janvier 2009

L'architecture en chantant

Que se passe t’il lorsque deux groupes pop-rock s’interrogent sur la pratique existentielle de l’architecture ? Loin d’être insignifiantes, leurs compositions donnent deux interprétations radicalement différentes du métier et de l’action de l’architecte. A la version intime, en équilibre d’Herman Düne, répond l’énergique et entreprenante chanson de dEUS. Ecoutez, lisez les extraits retranscrits et choisissez votre camp…

dEUS, The Architect, sur l’album Vantage point - 2008
(Deux premières strophes)

What is the architect doing?
He is by the riverside

What is he thinking out there?
He is committing egocide

Now isn’t that a strange thing?
Well to him it feels just

Well we guess a person’s gotta do,

What a person feels he must

He said:

I won’t throw myself from the pier

I’m gonna go home and shut up for a year
And when that year is over I’ll reappear

And have a solution

I’ve reason to believe that what I find

Is gonna change the face of human kind

And all these years before well I was blind

That’s my conclusion

Cause I’m the architect

Herman Düne, Little architect, sur l’album Switzerland Heritage - 2001
(Deux premières strophes)

I’m looking at the bird working like an architect
I’m looking at the bird working like an architect

I’m looking at the little bird
Working like a little architect

I’m looking at the beautiful bird

Working like a beautiful architect

And I wonder what he thinks at the damn on the river

I warn you : when all of that water

Comes up to the trees

You’d better think of, think of, think of

Saving what you have

Little Architect

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